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Main publications

The number of published articles: 91

  1. S. David, N. Hirata-Kohno and M. Kawashima, Linear forms in polylogarithms, Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, Classe di Scienze, accepted for publication, (2021).
  2. S. David, N. Hirata-Kohno and M. Kawashima, Can polylogarithms at algebraic points be linearly independent?, Moscow Journal of Combinatorics and Number Theory, vol. 9, no. 4, (2020), 389-406 10.2140/moscow.2020.9.389
  3. H. Furutsu and N. Hirata-Kohno, Linear dependence criterion of almost integer valued functions: a generalization of the Polya-Pisot theorem, J. Research Institute of Science and Technology, Nihon University, (2019), 144, 12–16.
  4. N. Hirata-Kohno, M. Ito and Y. Washio, A criterion for the linear independence of polylogarithms over a number field,RIMS Kokyuroku Bessatsu, (2017), B. 64, 3–18.
  5. H. Furutsu and N. Hirata-Kohno, Conditions of an Analytic Function to be a Polynomial via Diophantine Approximations, Research Institute of Science and Technology, CST, Nihon University (2016), vol. 136, 12–16.
  6. N. Hirata-Kohno and F. Luca, On the Diophantine equation $F_n^x+F_{n+1}^x=F_m^y$, Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics, Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics (2015), vol. 45, no. 2, 509–538 published pdf, journal page.
  7. N. Hirata-Kohno and T. Kovacs, Computing S-integral points on elliptic curves of rank at least $3$,RIMS Kokyuroku, Kyoto University, Vol. 1898, (2014), 92–102, published pdf, RIMS page.
  8. N. Hirata-Kohno, Diophantine approximation related to polylogarithms, RIMS Kokyuroku, Kyoto University, Vol. 1898, (2014), 194–206, published pdf, RIMS page.
  9. A. B\’erczes, L. Hajdu, N. Hirata-Kohno, T. Kovacs and A. Peth\H{o},A key exchange protocol based on Diophantine equations and S-integers, JSIAM Letters, vol. 6(2014), 85–88 journal page.
  10. N. Hirata-Kohno and A. Peth\H{o}, On a key exchange protocol based on Diophantine equations, Infocommunications Journal, ISSN 2061-2079, Vol. 5, (2013), No. 3, 17–21; published pdf (without photo), published page.
  11. M. Ito and N. Hirata-Kohno, Optimization for lattices and Diophantine approximations, Interdisciplonary Information Sciences, vol. 19, No. 2, (2013), 135–142.
  12. N. Hirata-Kohno, Arithmetic properties of p-adic elliptic polylogarithms and irrationality, In: Diophantische Approximationen, Oberwolfach Report Vol. 9, Issue 2, 1347–1351, (2012), eds. Y. Bugeaud and Yu. V. Nesterenko, European Math. Society, published pdf.
  13. N. Hirata-Kohno and H. Okada, A note on linear independence of polylogarithms over the rationals, Proceedings of the Japan Academy, series A, 88/9, (2012), 156–161; published pdf.
  14. N. Hirata-Kohno, Diophantus Approximations, The Mathematical Society of Japan, Sugaku, Iwanami, July 2012, vol. 64(3), 254–277, journal page.
  15. N. Hirata-Kohno, Arithmetic properties of p-adic elliptic logarithmic functions, Series on Number Theory and its Applications, vol. 7, 2011, 110–119.
  16. N. Hirata-Kohno and R. Takada, Linear forms in two elliptic logarithms in the p-adic case, Kyushu J. of Mathematics, vol. 64, no. 2, (2010), 239–260.
  17. S. David and N. Hirata-Kohno, Linear forms in elliptic logarithms, Journal fur die reine und angewandte Mathematik, vol. 628, (2009), 37–89.
  18. N. Hirata-Kohno, S. Laishram, T. N. Shorey and R. Tijdeman, An extension of a theorem of Euler, Acta Arithmetica vol. 129 (1), (2007), 71–102.
  19. S. David and N. Hirata-Kohno, Logarithmic Functions and Formal Groups of Elliptic Curves, In: Diophantine Equations (ed. N. Saradha), Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Narosa Publishing House, India, 243–255.
  20. S. David and N. Hirata-Kohno, Recent progress on linear forms in elliptic logarithms, A Panorama in Number Theory, (ed. G. Wuestholz), Cambridge Univ. Press (2002), 26–37.
  21. J. -H. Evertse and N. Hirata-Kohno, Wirsing systems and resultant inequalities, In: The Proceedings Number Theory of the New Millennium (ed. M. A. Bennett et al.), vol. 1 (2002), 449–461.
  22. N. Hirata-Kohno, Approximations simultanees sur les groupes algebriques commutatifs, Compositio Math., vol. 86, (1993), 69–96.
  23. N. Hirata-Kohno, Formes lineaires de points algebriques sur les groupes algebriques, Invent. Math., vol. 104, (1991), 401–433.
  24. N. Hirata-Kohno, Formes lineaires d’integrales elliptiques, Progress in Math., vol. 91, (1990), 117–140.
  25. N. Hirata-Kohno, Mesures de transcendance pour les quotients de periodes d’integrales elliptiques, Acta Arith., vol. 56, No. 2 (1990), 111–133.
  26. Y. Bugeaud and N. Hirata-Kohno, Effective measures of linear independence for logarithms and elliptic logarithms of rational numbers, Preprint.
  27. N. Hirata-Kohno, Linear forms in p-adic elliptic logarithms, preprint.
  28. N. Hirata-Kohno, S-integral points on elliptic curves via new approximation of p-adic elliptic logarithms, preprint.
  29. N. Hirata-Kohno and M. Kawashima, Diophantine approximations, Book, in preparation.


*抽象的パデ近似による逆周期写像の微分代数構造の解明と周期積分 (2021〜2025) Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research/日本学術振興会 基盤研究(C) (Number of Subject=21K03171)

*超一様分布数列のディオファントス近似とKontsevich-Zagier周期予想(2018〜2021)Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research/日本学術振興会 基盤研究(C) (Number of Subject=18K03225)

*数論的多重対数予想の解決を担う新しい直交多項式系の創成とパデ近似(2015〜2018) Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research/日本学術振興会 基盤研究(C) (Number of Subject=15K04799)

* ディオファントス方程式の変換とクリプトシステム原理の新展開(2014〜2017)
(Number of Subject=226520208)
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research/日本学術振興会 基盤研究(C)特設分野研究:連携探索型数理科学


* Next Program, 2010-2013 (Number of Subject=GR 087)
* Grant-in-Aid for JSPS Fellows, 2012-2013 (Number of Subject=2402806)
* Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), 2010-2010 (Number of Subject=22540034)
* Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), 2007-2009 (Number of Subject=19540053)
* Grant-in-Aid for JSPS Fellows, 2005-2006 (Number of Subject=1705293)
* Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), 2004-2007 (Number of Subject=16540044)
* Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), 2000-2003 (Number of Subject=12640042)
* Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)(2), 1997-1998 (Number of Subject=09640069)
* Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Priority Areas, 1996 (Number of Subject=08211259)
* Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)(2), 1994-1996 (Number of Subject=06640082)